Monday, 3 April 2017

Letter B - B is for Behind

Pun very much intended.

So intended that it wouldn't even make any sense if I did not intend it... rather I'd just look like someone who did not know how to spell... then again I did add an image of a bee so.... clearly intended.

With that out of the way... I start off my first post of the year by taking part in a blogging challenge. The A to Z blogging challenge to be EGGxact...(must be all the sugar I've had today).

Basically this challenge takes place in April and consists of posting once a day with a letter allocated to each one from the start to the end of the month. Sounds pretty cool and simple, right?

I mean it's so obvious and let's face it, not unusual that I end up starting things late but in my defence... I had no clue this was a thing until like 15 minutes ago! If I did, I would have planned ahead and... yeah no I wouldn't have. Even if I knew of this a month ago, I would be just as unprepared and coming up with ideas on the spot like I am right now.

I don't know, it must be that I work better under pressure or suddenly find motivation to get things done when I'm either running late or falling behind on deadlines. This cannot be just me? Please tell me it's not just me?

I actually wish I could be someone who planned out her life, week or even day but I always wake up in the morning thinking "eh I can't be bothered" but as soon as I realize that deadlines are coming up way too fast, then I turn into Speedy Gonzalez... only difference is the hat.. can never find one that fits my head just right :/

So I start this blog challenge one day late... I really hope you did not have to read all the way up to here to find out it's the letter B...I'd be so disappointed if you did not pick that up from the banner.
The link to the challenge is HERE.
Ay, maybe you'll pull a Karine and end up joining even later than I have... maybe C or even D. But you know what? I ain't about to judge you for that, You do you and I will encourage you to bring out that lazy side of you and embrace your behindness - yes it is now a word.


Until the next letter,

Lots of love,

Karine xx

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