Hey lovelies
So there's something I've observed today which happens to me way too often.
It is the downfall of that confidence you build up for the past (forever).
What I'm trying to say is how self confidence isn't a strong point in many people's lives. It is that one thing that holds them back from so many opportunities and experiences out there in the world. Having low self confidence is an extremely common thing especially in teens. The way we see ourselves is just so harsh and can never compare to others.
This is not a advice post or how to post. It is more of a experience post which I hope you may be able to relate to as it has happened to me quite often.
Have you ever felt like you are becoming more and more confident with yourself - that may take weeks or even months - but you get to a point where you are okay. You don't feel bad about yourself, you know, you can smile and feel like the world isn't as scary as you thought. All is good and you are able to do things without worrying about every single thing you do!
And suddenly...
One wrong move and you're back to square 1.
You literally go back down to where you started and it is the most frustrating thing yet cannot change anything about it.
Becoming confident with who you are takes several steps. It takes a lot of good things to happen to just advance by just a percentage, yet just ONE wrong move it just descends. It's almost as if you take so long building this glass and polishing it but with just one hit, you lose it all as it shatters right before your eyes. That is what it feels like to me.
Little story for you:
As you may have read my "confidence if key" post, you would've seen that lately I have been feeling quite confident in myself. Not over confident, but just enough to be comfortable in who I am.
Today at work, I made the mistake of forgetting to write a special requirement from a customer that is... no salad on their souvlaki. The man was after a lamb souvlaki with nothing in it except the lamb and garlic sauce.. okay!
The shop was quite busy at the time and I had people queuing from the counter to outside of the shop . I was in such a hurry to try and get all these orders taken that I had forgotten to write down on the ticket the special requirement! I know, that is so bad! The customer specifically told me what he wanted.
So I hadn't noticed at all until the phone ran about a half hour later with an angry man on the other end of the line. I picked up to him being quite upset at finding some salad in his souvlaki. Claiming that "they" wouldn't eat it as it has salad in it, made me realise what a big mistake I had made.
He asked that we make a new one which he will swap for what he got and this time to get the order right. He had also recognised my voice and knew that I was the one who took his order earlier. This made it so much worse.
I completely understand how he was feeling and it was only fair to get it swapped. However it was my fault. I am the one who stuffed up his order and I felt terrible for it! Not only that, a souvlaki now when into the bin because of me.
I just can't help but feel awful about what might seem like a tiny thing to most people. It's just that whenever I do something wrong, I feel stuck. Like it hits me really hard and I am unable to think straight as I start to think and think and think about it! I know it makes no difference when you feel bad for something as it already happened and you can't change it. But it is just that feeling of... oh.. hold on... you're doing it all wrong.
That is when my downfall happened. I'm not sure whether it is just a small set back that may last for a few days or maybe made a dent into that confidence I once found in me.
I thought I'd share with you this little experience of mine because I know that it has happened to a few people I know and maybe you could relate to what I said.
Anyway, please do let me know in the comments if you have felt this way and whether it has happened to you! I kind of want this to be a platform where others can feel comfortable to share their experiences with me just like I am with you. I promise you I don't judge, I just want you guys to know that you're definitely not alone!
Lots of love, Karine xx