So lately I've been more YouTube focused than blog and the reason for that is I actually haven't done anything or come up with anything exciting to share with your bloggers!
I watch A LOT of YouTubers and I've come to befriend some who are absolutely wonderful and hilarious! This week, I though that I would share with you some of my favourite YouTubers who deserve some recognition for the awesome job they do on their videos!
- Hpfansonghost: Hp is absolutely amazing! She isn't only super pretty but also such a sweetheart! Her channel is all about her music, which she holds closely to her heart. She wants to share with others great music specially some from artists who are super talented and need to get their stuff out there! If you love music then Hp is your girl! She knows them all from bands to solo artists! You definitely have to go check her out! She has a YouTube as well as a BLOG.
. - 1BlazinEagle1: Gosh Stefan is the craziest of the craziest people out there but he's amazing!!! He's a super sweet guy with a love for extreme challenges and adventure! This guy shocks me and continues to amaze me with his courage in taking part in any challenge thrown his way! I really look up to Stefan because he not only makes videos but also likes to share the love in the YouTube community. When I first started, he welcomed me into the community which was so thoughtful and kind! Thank you 1BlazinEagle1 for everything! You rock!
. - Chaplyns: Oh my goodness Lynsey! Where do I start? She's so amazing in what she does! She's a blogger as well as a young mother of two beautiful boys. She has a YouTube and has been through so much in her life! Lynsey is not only just beautiful but also has such a beautiful soul! I just adore her and just how lovely she is! Her BLOG is wonderful and I love stopping by to read her posts. She's just so genuine and honest which I really love about her!
. - Sam Brown: Sam Brown... Sam Brown... Sam Brown... I honestly don't understand how this boy isn't super famous yet! Someone get him an award for being so amazing! If you don't know who Sam Brown is.. YOU ARE MISSING OUT! He is by far the most talented individual I have ever come across! He can play the guitar, the drums, the piano, the bass AND SING! I wouldn't be surprised if he has mastered every instrument on the planet, he's THAT GOOD! He makes covers on his YouTube Channel which are absolutely amazing and I just... I can't... my heart... his voice... someone just... Ahhhhhh I just fan-girl. Don't judge me.
. - TheCamidamy: Oh Camile! She is a sweetheart! I found her on twitter and loved her channel! She so funny and I love the way she explains things! My favourite quote of hers has to be "You just gotta put it into the little container thingy that you put in before you put it in the thing" She is super cute and I just love her because she's awesome okay so you have to go check her out!!!!
. - Emily Smith: This girl understands me! She is both fabulous and beautiful! I am super jealous of her amazing hair! Although I am not a beauty blog/channel, she got me into watching a lot of them and her channel is AMAZING!
. - Kiffiemy: Caitlin Jane also known as CJ on the SSG YouTube channel! I am so glad I got to meet this super sweet and caring girl! She is so inspiring and she is such a strong beautiful girl! She has shared her battle with Crohn's Disease in a few of her videos and that made me respect her so much for it. I know it must've been really hard to share this with others let alone the internet! I love her channel so you definitely go check it out! :)
. - Jordan David: This kid is hilarious! He's from Melbourne like me and makes really awesome videos on his YouTube channel! Definitely go check him out and subscribe to him you won't regret it!
. - Life as Lilly: Lilly is a fellow blogger here who has started her own YouTube channel! She is bubbly and super cute! Ah I just love her! She has a super cool accent and live all the way up in Norway!